THE Dabbler

Is there a specific issue you would like support with? Have you always wanted to try feng shui, but you’re not sure where to start?

Together we’ll tackle ONE thing that’s on your heart and mind, and I’ll give you a few suggestions for how to invite more supportive energy into your home using feng shui and plants. This is a great option if you want to get a taste of how I work, or if you just want to dip your toe into the world of feng shui and plants.

What’s included: 

  • One 30-minute Zoom call

  • 2-3 recommended feng shui shifts to support your current intentions

  • One recommended plant ally and suggestions for how to work with it

During our call, we’ll go over what you’d like to work on and a few recommended shifts to make in your home to support your current intentions. This is not a full feng shui consultation and we won’t be going over your floor plan - if you’d like a more in-depth feng shui reading please consider one of my other services, like The Spellcaster or The Alchemist

Please note this is not an interior design or a medical consultation. We are looking at the energy of your space. 

Upon clicking the button below, you will be directed to send an email to hello(at) to set up an appointment. I’ll then be in touch about scheduling a time to meet and coordinating payment.