THE Alchemist

Your space is a reflection of you. Feng shui allows us look at your space more deeply in order to understand your energy, and shift it where necessary to create meaningful change.

We’ll go over the feng shui of your home or apartment as a whole, and come up with action steps that you can take so your space can support you more fully. Recommendations may include feng shui adjustments and supportive plant allies to invite into your home and life. This is a great option if you are ready to dive more deeply into understanding the energy of your home, and would like more ongoing support from me. 

I will need the floor plan of your home at least 2 business days in advance of our meeting. This can be a hand-drawn floor plan and should include major furniture including beds, desks, and stoves, doors showing the direction of swing, and your signature.

What’s included: 

  • One 2-hour Zoom call where we’ll go over the feng shui of your home

  • One 30-minute follow up Zoom call, to be scheduled within one month of our initial call

  • Nine star ki numerology reading (this is based on your birth date, and gives us clues about your personal energy as well as how to best work with the energy of the current year)

  • Recommended feng shui adjustments to support your current goals and intentions

  • Recommended plant(s) to work with

  • One botanical art print to hang in your home (I’ll choose one based on your feng shui, or you can pick your favorite!)

Please note this is not an interior design or a medical consultation. We are looking at the energy of your space. 

Upon clicking the button below, you will be directed to send an email to hello(at) to set up an appointment. I’ll then be in touch about scheduling a time to meet and coordinating payment.