Lavender: The Decadent Dreamer


I used to be biased against lavender. I think that is probably due to: 

1) encountering various “lavender”-scented objects at various points in my childhood that smelled more like some peculiar laundry detergent than an actual plant, and 

2) finding long-forgotten bundles of dried lavender in neglected corners, graying and covered in dust. 

I am still not a fan of either of those things, but I have come to really appreciate lavender as a plant. It has such a peaceful energy, and is often used to soothe stress and anxiety. I find the fragrance of fresh lavender (which bears little resemblance to the aforementioned detergent-esque odors) to be deeply relaxing. It reminds me, even when I’m caught in an unhelpful loop in my head, to take deep breaths. 

Lavender is one of the plants that feels most deeply connected to the concept of Xun. Xun is the area of the feng shui bagua map that is related to abundance, wealth, and self-worth. Wide expanses of lavender feel particularly lush and abundant, both visually and aromatically. Even on a micro level, each stem of lavender has an abundance of tiny blossoms. Xun also has to do with flexibility, of which lavender is a great example — I find so much peace in the image of lavender stems bending softly in the wind. 

When it comes to abundance, flexibility is important. Our minds have to be flexible enough to be able to notice new forms of abundance we haven’t been aware of before, and to be open to receiving abundance in new ways. Abundance can mean financial wealth, and it also extends beyond that, to the wealth of opportunities, beauty, and love that I believe is always around us if we choose to be open to it. It’s hard to notice these things if we’re rigidly fixated on some preconceived ideas of what the day will or should bring. 

Lavender is also a popular plant for sleep sprays, dream pillows, and bedtime tea blends. It invites us to let go of the stress of the day, to slip into sleep, and to dream. I believe listening to our dreams and treating them with reverence and respect is a powerful way to tap into our self worth. Are you allowing yourself to luxuriate in your dream world? Are you open to the beauty, abundance, magic, and possibilities that only your subconscious knows about? Or are you shutting down your wildest dreams before you take even a smidge of action on them, because you doubt that they’re possible? Perhaps because you doubt you’re capable of bringing them to life? 

I want to remind you that you are capable of so much magic and greatness. Consider this an invitation to dream a little bigger, and to experiment with being a little more open to all of the possibilities that life has to offer. 

If you need an extra reminder, keep lavender close by

Maria Ramsey

Maria Katharine Ramsey is the creator of The Philosopher’s Stem. She is an artist of many media, including (but not limited to) flowers, plants, ink, pastel, music, poetry, food, and colored pencil.

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