How to choose meaningful art for your home

Colored pencil illustration of wedding bouquet with white and pink roses, blue delphiniums, and green leaves

One of the most impactful things I’ve learned from studying feng shui is that our outer environments are a reflection of our inner environments, and vice versa. As a practitioner, I receive a lot of clues as to what’s going on in someone’s life from what I see in their home. For example, the way you care for your home often mirrors the way you care for yourself. You may have noticed that our environments can make a big impact on how we feel—have you ever decluttered your desk or brought home a new plant and noticed a big shift in your energy levels or mood? I certainly have!

This is one of the reasons why I believe it’s so important to be mindful of the things we bring into our homes, including artwork. I don’t believe that it’s about finding the perfect painting for your living room (what is perfect anyway??) but I do think it’s worth taking a few extra moments to look for something that really resonates with you. If you’d like a little guidance, here are a few of the things I recommend thinking about as you’re choosing art for your home.

Your style 

This is usually the first thing that we think of when choosing art, for good reason. What gets you really excited when it comes to art and home decor? Do you love clean, minimal lines and monochrome color schemes? Or do you prefer vibrant colors and rich textures? If you’re not sure what your style is, take a look around at the things you already own and notice what you love about your favorite items. How would you describe them? 

My favorite suggestion to figure out if something is your style is to trust your intuition, even if you can’t clearly define your style in words. Start exploring artists and images online or at shops or galleries, and see what resonates with you. There are no right or wrong answers here—if you see something and you love it, trust that! 

Your values 

There are a couple of ways to think about your values when it comes to the art in your home. First, does the subject matter of the art reflect your values? If nature is deeply important to you, does the artwork on your walls reflect that? If you value beauty, look for art that is beautiful—whatever that means to you. 

Second, is the artist or shop you’re supporting aligned with your values? Do you want to support a small business? Do you prefer to shop local? Is it important to you to order something from a company who’s mindful of their environmental impact? 


Lastly, consider what a piece of artwork means to you. Maybe you find a painting of lilacs, which reminds you of your grandmother’s house that you visited as a child. You can also go a step further if you’d like, and purchase a custom piece of art that is deeply connected to a moment in your life. 

If that last option resonates with you, you might love a custom wedding bouquet illustration!

Maria Ramsey

Maria Katharine Ramsey is the creator of The Philosopher’s Stem. She is an artist of many media, including (but not limited to) flowers, plants, ink, pastel, music, poetry, food, and colored pencil.

Poppy: The Ethereal Emblem